How to ... change a stoma pouch

How to ... change a stoma pouch

An ostomy pouch needs to be changed regularly. This is clear from the beginning. However, for new ostomates, changing their pouch can also be a challenging task - How? When? How often? What has to be taken care of?

We can tell you one thing right from the start: all people with new stomas feel this way. So it's perfectly okay to struggle with uncertainty at the beginning. However, once you develop a routine, this is no longer an issue!

As with everything, preparation is key when changing your ostomy pouch. Therefore, try to ensure you have everything you need ready before you start. This will save you time and make you feel more organised and in control. It's also always a good idea to find a quiet place where you won't feel disturbed.

How often do you need to change your pouch?

Try to develop a regular routine for changing your stoma pouch, as this can help you to organise yourself better and reduce stress. If you are using a closed pouch, change it about 1-3 times a day - but this will vary from person to person. With a drainable pouch, especially with a urostomy or ileostomy, it is best to change it every day or every two days.

The frequency of changing your pouch is very individual and also depends on the type of supply and accessories you are using. The most important thing is that the pouch is changed often enough to ensure that your skin is well protected under the baseplate.

What preparations might be useful?

To ensure an optimal pouch change, please keep the following three things in mind:


Firstly, you should choose a quiet and private room where you have access to a mirror. Make sure you have a pre-cut ostomy pouch, a disposable bag, dry wipes and, if needed, a plaster removal spray.


Before you start, arrange all tools & utensils where they are easy to reach. Most people choose to stand or sit when changing the pouch. It is entirely up to you which position you feel most comfortable in. Using a mirror can be very helpful to check your stoma and place the new pouch correctly. If you are using a drainage pouch, make sure that the seal is tightly closed.

Stoma pouch

If the baseplate has not been pre-cut, you can use scissors and a template to cut out the hole required for your stoma. If your pouch feels cold, hold it in your armpit for 5-10 minutes - this will activate the adhesive and improve adherence. If you are changing a drainable pouch, you should first empty it in a toilet, as the pouch is then lighter and easier to handle. Make sure that you clean the end of the drain of your pouch with a piece of toilet paper.

How exactly is a pouch changed?

1. If you want to use a plaster remover spray, gently pull the edges of the baseplate away from the skin and spray a small amount of the plaster remover onto the visible skin.

2. Then carefully peel your supply from the skin starting from the top down. Remember to always support your skin when pulling off to avoid tearing the skin. Gently remove the entire baseplate from the skin.

3. Now fold the pouch until the hole is completely closed and dispose it in your small disposable bag.

4. Take the dry cloths and wet them with warm water, squeeze out the excess water and wipe carefully over the skin and the stoma itself. Water is perfectly adequate for cleaning the skin around the stoma. However, if you want to use soap, make sure that you do not choose any perfumed or moisturising care products. These products should be washed off properly afterwards to avoid irritation.

5. Once the area around the stoma is clean, dab the skin dry with wipes and dispose of them in your disposable bag.

6. Next, prepare the clean pouch. Remove the backing sheet from the baseplate and carefully place it in the correct position. Run your fingers around the baseplate to smooth it from bottom to top. Make sure that there are no creases to ensure a good seal.

7. Then cover the baseplate with your hand. The heat generated activates the adhesive and your supply can adhere optimally on your skin.

8. Seal the disposable bag and throw it in the household waste. You can also throw the bag in the rubbish bin outside your home to avoid odours.

If you are unsure about this, you should contact your stoma care nurse. He/she will answer all your questions and support you with changing your pouch.


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The contents of this blog, including all text, graphics, images and information, are intended for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions about a medical condition or treatment, and before starting any new healthcare treatment. Reliance on any information provided on this website regarding health related decisions are solely at the reader's own risk.