Medium Konvex

Flexible choice for maximum safety

Our Medium Konvex products adapt specifically to the contours of your body and thus ensure optimum wearing comfort stability around the stoma.

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Konvex or Medium Konvex?

Our Medium Konvex range offers the same outstanding flexibility and comfort as our Konvex range, but slightly shallower with a convex height of 3,5 mm.

Why choose Medium Konvex?

Our Medium Konvex range is especially designed for people whose stoma is flat and flush with the skin or whose appliance tends to leak. The products exert a medium amount of pressure on the skin around the stoma so that it can protrude further into the pouch. This primarily prevents leaks and skin irritaions as well as increases comfort.

Benefits of our Medium Konvex products

In addition to the unique properties of our Medium Konvex range, all products individually have outstanding benefits:

  • 3,5 mm height of convexity
  • Three convexities
  • Simpler alternative to using a seal with a flat pouch
  • Comprehensive range of cut to fit and pre-cut baseplates
  • Efficient filter system for odour reduction
  • Integrated belt attachment
  • Soft non-woven cover on both sides
  • Available as Combiflange hydrocolloid

Unique range features

There are many features of our medium convex product range:

Hypoallergenic Adhesive

Our products have been especially developed for particularly sensitive skin and may minimise the occurrence of skin irritations and allergies. All of our supplies are 100% latex-free.

High Tack Adhesion

Experience maximum safety and additional confidence. Our skin protection adheres reliably to the skin and thus prevents irritation caused by leaks.

Tapered Edge with Integral Border

The tapered skin protection ensures an optimal seal and fit, especially on uneven body contours.

Superior Leakage Protection

The products create optimum pressure on the skin around the stoma so that it can protrude further into the pouch. This helps to prevent leaks and related skin problems.

Soft and Flexible

The softness and high flexibility counteract mechanical irritation of the sensitive skin surrounding the stoma.

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What is an ileostomy?

An ileostomy is a surgical procedure that involves creating an opening in the abdomen, known as a stoma. This involves bringing a portion of the small intestine – specifically the small intestine (ileum) – to the surface of the skin.

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A colostomy is a procedure to drain the colon through the abdominal wall. Everything you need to know about it can be discovered in this article.

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The stigma surrounding stomas – What can we do to take away the taboo?

Destigmatisation begins with positivity – let's start now!

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