Stoma discharge – What’s normal?

Stoma discharge – What’s normal?

A common concern amongst ostomates is whether or not their stoma discharge is normal. We thought now would be a great time to put people’s minds at ease and explain what’s normal and what may require a trip to your health care professional.

Mucus discharge

Mucus secretions are common with any type of stoma. Mucus is produced by the intestinal mucosa to facilitate defecation. The intestinal mucosa continues to produce mucus even after the stoma operation, even if it is no longer needed. So if you discover mucus in your pouch, there is no need to worry.


A urostomy is also created from part of your bowel, so mucus discharge is completely normal. This can easily be recognised in the stoma bag as the urine is clear. In the first weeks and months after the operation, the mucus discharge is often more productive, after which it decreases continuously. But beware: an increase in mucus can be a sign of a urinary tract infection. If you notice this, it is recommended that you speak to your stoma nurse or GP.

Tips & Tricks

Add more vitamin C to your diet or try drinking cranberry juice as it can help with mucus reduction

Please note: Do not take cranberry if you are on warfarin!

Rectal discharge

If you’ve had a colostomy formed and your rectum and anus are still intact, you may have some discharge from your bottom, known as rectal discharge. People who have an ileostomy formed but have an intact large intestine may also experience discharge from their rectum. The longer the remaining section of your bowel is after stoma surgery, the more likely you are to have rectal discharge.

Mucus can vary in appearance, for some it can be a clear “egg white” to a sticky, glue-like consistency. It can either leak out of your bottom or build up into a ball, which can cause discomfort. If there are any signs of blood or pus in the discharge, it could be a sign of infection or tissue damage, so contact your GP.

Tips & Tricks

  • It may help to go with any “urge” and sit on the toilet every day and push down as if passing a stool. It is important not to strain as this could damage the pelvic floor. This should remove the mucus and stop it from building up.
  • Glycerine suppositories that you insert into your bottom can help as they make the mucus more watery as they dissolve. The mucus then becomes easier to pass.
  • The mucus can sometimes cause irritation around the skin, on your bottom, so using a barrier cream such as vaseline or sudocream can help. There are others to try in your local chemist, if these don’t work.
  • Some people find that eating certain foods increases mucus production. You may want to keep a food diary for a few weeks to see if there is any link with certain foods to your mucus production.

    Discharge from around the stoma

    Following stoma surgery, you will be observing the skin around the stoma for any redness or sore skin. It is also good to look for any discharge from the skin itself. If you experience any discharge from where the skin and your stoma join and it becomes bloody or offensive in odour, it is a good idea to speak with your stoma care nurse, as you may have an infection.

    This could also be interessing for you

  • Pain around the stoma – 8 possible reasons
  • Some of the most common stoma problems
  • Infected stoma – Everything you need to know

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  • The contents of this blog, including all text, graphics, images and information, are intended for informational purposes only. They are not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always consult a qualified healthcare professional if you have any questions about a medical condition or treatment, and before starting any new healthcare treatment. Reliance on any information provided on this website regarding health related decisions are solely at the reader's own risk.