Stoma surgery recovery – How long will it take?

Stoma surgery recovery – How long will it take?

After any type of surgery, a certain amount of time is required for regeneration. The body needs time to rest in order to be fully functional again. Understanding what to expect after a stoma operation can help avoid expecting too much during recovery.

Healing is a slow and gradual process which cannot be forced. You need to take the time to rest. Be gentle on yourself during the recovery phase after the operation and only do what feels right for you. The healing process is different for everyone - so don't put yourself under any pressure. Your body heals in the time it needs.

If you are awaiting stoma surgery or recently post op, you might be wondering how long your recovery from stoma operation will take. Here, we give some guidance of what to expect. These are simply benchmarks of recovery, we will all recover in our own way and at our own pace.

What should I expect after my stoma surgery?

As after any surgical procedure, you will probably feel tired and weak after the operation. In relation to your stoma operation, your abdomen will be swollen and tender. It is important that you recover sufficiently after the operation. Despite this, you should continue to be active. This will support your recovery and prevent breast infections and blood clots. It is quite possible that your legs will be a little wobbly at first. This is nothing to worry about. An operation is always an artificial intervention in the body and takes away your strength. Take it slowly and don't expect to be able to resume your normal daily routine straight away.

After a stoma surgery, it is completely normal to feel a little emotional and overwhelmed. To some extent, the appearance of your body has changed and so your physical sensations have changed too. Accepting these changes is an important part of your recovery process. Whether you want to talk about your feelings about your new stoma is a personal decision. Let your loved ones be part of your healing, let them help you. Talking to other people about your situation and feelings can often be very helpful and prevent you from feeling isolated and helpless.

What will my stoma look like after surgery?

After the surgery, both your abdomen and your stoma will be very swollen. This is completely normal and nothing to worry about. Your stoma will look moist and pink and will usually protrude from your abdomen. Immediately after the procedure, you will wear a large transparent pouch over your stoma. This allows the nursing staff to monitor the size, shape and discharge of the stoma without disturbing you. You will then have numerous options regarding your stoma pouch - there are transparent, beige, large, small, one-piece or two-piece systems and much more.

During the regeneration process in the first 6 to 8 weeks, the swelling will continuously decrease, your stoma will shrink and the discharge will regulate. At the end of this phase, your stoma care nurse will measure and assess your stoma in order to recommend the most suitable product for you.

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When will my stoma start working?

After surgery, it can take a few days for your stoma to start producing any output. Your bowel will be in a state of shock initially. Things you can do to help this process are remaining mobile and keeping hydrated. You may experience painful bloating during this stage as your stoma isn’t fully working yet, however, you can take pain relief to ease these pains.

As soon as your stoma is fully functional and starts producing discharge, this may be irregular at first. Both diarrhoea and constipation are not unusual. So don't worry, the situation will stabilise over the next few weeks.

Will I have any stitches?

Short and simple: Yes. To hold the skin around the stoma in place, your skin will be stitched and scars will occur accordingly. The stitches will dissolve by themselves approximately 6 to 8 weeks after the operation and no further appointment with the doctor is required. If non-dissolvable stitches are used, you will of course be informed of this. In this case, a stitch removal appointment is absolutely necessary.

How long will it take to fully recover after my surgery?

If you are awaiting stoma surgery or are recently post-op, you might be wondering how long it will be until you are fully recovered. Of course, this can vary from person to person and the type of surgery you have had, but on average it should follow a pattern like this one.

1 - 10 days after surgery – Hospital

Most stoma patients are able to leave the hospital after just a few days following their stoma surgery. You should be prepared to spend up to 10 days in hospital in case of any complications. During this time, you may be kept on a drip to ensure you remain well hydrated. You might also have a catheter to drain urine and an oxygen mask to help you breathe.

Your stoma must be working before you are allowed to go home. Before that you will be shown how to care for your stoma, most importantly how to change and empty your pouch. Also, how to keep the skin around your stoma clean and healthy to prevent infection. You also must feel confident in caring for your stoma before you are going home. It is a good idea to ask a loved one to help you with this as you might feel weak at this stage of recovery and it can be a lot to take in all at once.

11 days - 4 weeks after surgery – Home

Once you leave hospital you will likely still be on bed rest and unable to do anything too strenuous.

In the first few weeks try to avoid doing any housework, chores or any lifting. Let family and friends help you, let them prepare meals, clean your house or water your garden for you. They can also help chauffeur you around if you are starting to go out and about.

During this time, you will hopefully feel your strength beginning to return as you recuperate, which should see you become slightly more active.

5 - 8 weeks after surgery

You may begin to do some light exercise during this time, such as short walks to help rebuild your strength. After 8 weeks you should be able to resume many of your normal activities.

Becoming more active after stoma surgery can seem daunting, but it is important to slowly ease your way into being active again.

12 weeks after surgery – Full recovery

With a bit of luck, you will feel better after just 8 weeks and can return to your previous life. However, full recovery after a stoma operation usually takes up to 3 months. All abdominal muscles must heal completely. You should therefore avoid heavy lifting or overly strenuous activities during this time.

A small guideline during this time: Do not lift anything heavier than a kettle!

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