The Supply Chain Due Diligence Act (LkSG)

With the introduction of the LkSG, the government has introduced a framework for responsible and sustainable value creation along the entire supply chain and in the company's own business area. As a member of the GHD GesundHeits GmbH Deutschland Group, we support the objectives of the LkSG. GHD has therefore created the opportunity here to draw attention to human rights and environmental risks as well as violations of human rights or environmental obligations that have arisen as a result of the economic activities of the GHD Group in its own business area or those of a direct supplier.

Notices and complaints can be submitted via the following channels:

By e-mail:

By post:
GHD GesundHeits GmbH Germany,
Complaints office LkSG,
Gotenstraße 10,
20097 Hamburg

For further details and information, please refer to the Rules of Procedure for the complaints procedure.